About Me

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I'm single, mom by adoption to Yan and Mady. They are the sunshine in my life. Yan happens to be chromosomally enhanced (has Down Syndrome) and keeps me hopping on a daily basis. Mady was born as a 1 lb., 12 oz micro premie and has beat all odds. She is curious and busy! We are a homeschooling family and would love to expand our family again someday. I am a grateful Child of the King and am learning more daily about what it means to be free in Christ. Professionally, I'm a Speech-Language Pathologist by trade...but I took time away to get Yan and Mady stable and have enjoyed running estores online. I am beginning my own practice again on a part-time basis and am excited to start working with children again.

Friday, June 14, 2013

We have to start somewhere!

Hello everyone! I've begun this separate blog as a way to share information about speech, language and learning. Though to be honest, sometimes it seems too overwhelming to start. As a Speech-Language Pathologist (though taking some time off from seeing clients) I'm often asked about what a child should be doing. My goal is to share common milestones and tips and tricks for reaching them in special circumstances. When I became a mother to a child with special needs, I began to discover that parents everywhere can use some guidance in helping their child with speech, language and cognitive goals. Since I began this journey, I've also met many parents who have decided to home school (as I do). Some of these parents choose the route of private therapy, others don't have professionals around them to give them direction for their children. I hope that I can help share my experiences so that they gain from it as well. I've also found that when you have a child with significant special needs (like my girl...Down Syndrome, apraxia, sensory-integration disorder, etc.) and you are trying to educate them, you want (and need) their whole curriculum to be centered around communication, speech and language. However, the programs that I've found never seem to fit the bill. So, I'm going to attempt to offer what I've created. Those are my goals, that's my purpose, I hope it helps at least one person! Blessings, Jenn